The sails, fixed to the boat mast, unfold urged by the breeze and then swell majestically, creating sophisticated lines that unravel the murmur of the winds.
Since always, sails have represented a symbol of compromise between man and nature, as the dialogue between these two worlds.
This concept is translated into Vela, Italian for “sail”, a sofa whose silhouette and precious details recall the elegance of this object. The fabric upholstery subtly alludes to the mainsail and the jib, tracing stylistically defined imaginary trajectories.
The quilting is a strong reference to the unfurled sail and the diagonals that cross it represent its distinctive element.
When placing your order please specify your chosen fabric's code in the order notes. Should you require further help do not hesitate to contact us through our email info@mad-atelier.com or via phone at 020 8510 3605 to book an appointment for a fabric consultation in our showroom in Hackney.
Dimensions: W 190 x D 100 x H 74 cm | W 220 x D 100 x H 74 cm | Seat height: 40 cm
Structure: In plywood padded with polyurethane foam. Seating is made with 40IP and 25IM polyurethane foam and covered with a feather mattress clothed with 100% cotton fabric. Backrest is made with 21IM and 25IM polyurethane foam. The whole is covered with velfodera coupled with velveteen 150 gr/sqm.
Delivery time: This product is made to order and requires 8-10 weeks time to be delivered to London.